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Abstract for Commentaries to the 107th meeting dedicated to venous insufficiency

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Archpriest Sergey Filimonov, Chairman of the Saint Petersburg Orthodox Doctors Society, Dr. Sci. (Med), Professor. (St. Petersburg)

According to Commentaries, the problem of venous insufficiency is relevant for priests, monastics and parishioners of churches. This is due to the fact that services in the Russian Orthodox church are carried out standing up both for clergy and lay people. For that reason, which distinguishes the services of the Russian Orthodox church from those of autocephalous Orthodox churches in the world, where benches are specially placed and parishioners can sit during the service, this fact causes the formation of venous insufficiency in those people who attend services regularly.

The Commentaries discuss the assessment of the ways used for venous insufficiency treatment, according to the Orthodox faith, as well as those saving options applied to priests and parishioners of the church who already have pronounced degree of venous insufficiency, have withstood different surgical operations, various indulgences during services and different recommendations for the proper presence during the divine service in the church in order to prevent further health disorders

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