
Artificial intelligence problem

Hieromonk Kirill (Zinkovskiy), Rector of the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya seminary (Moscow Region), Cand. Sci. Eng., Doctor of Divinity; Hieromonk Mefodiy (Zinkovskiy), Cleric of Saint Petersburg Theological Academy’s Church of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Divine, Cand. Sci. Eng., Doctor of Divinity. (Saint Petersburg)

Ethical problems of medical genetics

Galina L. Mikirtichan, Head of Humanitarian Subjects and Biomedical Ethics Sub-department of Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Dr. Sci. (Med), professor, Board member of Saint Petersburg Orthodox Doctors Society (Saint Petersburg)

Supportive reproductive technologies: pros and cons

Irina V. Siluyanova, Honorary professor of the Bioethics Department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, professor, Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy (Moscow)

Infection processes in epidemiology and pedagogy – epidemic and pedagogical: common root and anthropological parallels. Pt 1. The nature of the epidemic process

Vyacheslav I. Vlasov, assistant professor of the Epidemiology Department of Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I. P. Pavlov, Chairman of the Ryazan branch of Russian Orthodox Doctors Society. (Ryazan)

The genome editing problem. Resolution analysis of the Church and Public Council on Biomedical Ethics under the Moscow Patriarchate

Archpriest Sergiy Filimonov, Chairman of Saint Petersburg Orthodox Doctors Society, Dr. Sci. (Med), professor. (Saint Petersburg)